The Cycle Lab Bike Park has a selection of Mountain bikes or Kids Straddle Bikes available for hire. If the following applies to you:
- I am attending a birthday party or function and don't have a bike.
- I don't have a bike but want to join friends for a ride to experience the excitement of cycling.
- I have a bike but want to try something different.
- I'm visiting Gauteng and I didn't bring my bike to ride with my family and friends.
- I'm considering cycling as a recreational sport but I don't want to buy a bike before I am sure I like cycling.
- I'm a road cyclist and want to try mountain biking.
Then you can hire a Mountain bike when you come and visit your Bike Park. The bike hire fee excludes the Cycle Lab Bike Park visit fee.
Helmet Hire
Bike Wash
Y Bikes
Strider bike
Bike Hire - 16" 4 Hours
MTB Bike 20" - 4 Hours
MTB Bike 24" - 4 Hours
Bike Hire MTB - 4 Hours